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Militant Consumerism

There may be nothing more important at this moment than how we spend our $$$$$. Bucks are all these wealth-mongers understand. And we can control them when we control our own $$$$.  Below you'll find ways that we can control our run-amok economy, then make sure to keep up with our Blog Aritcles for tips and tricks at gaming your own purse-strings!

Shop Small!!

We cannot stress this enough! We must be careful with our consumerism to continue to support small businesses. We must go out of our way to support the small, local business that are fighting against all odds to hold their own against conglomerate tyrants. 

Unlike the giant corporations who, thanks to fat-federal subsidies and egregiously sweet tax breaks, actually TAKE money out of our economy, small business owners pay some of the highest tax rates, while working 18-hour days. It is time for a government, and an economy, that prioritizes their investment in their business and in our communities! You can show your support when you shop small and shop Main Street.

Become an "Essentialist"

The benefits of adopting an Essentialist lifestyle are vast! You save tons of money, you feel good about how you are helping the environment, you’ll be helping those less fortunate, and you’ll be amazed at how good it feels to be freed from the burden of “stuff”.

As an Essentialist, we don’t simply donate or chuck out stuff we don’t “absolutely” need. Instead, we evaluate the things we have, and determine if it makes sense for us to:

  • Keep It: Might we have a future need or use for this item?

  • Donate or Sell It: “I know I’ll never use it, but someone else sure can!”

  • Chuck It: “Why am I still holding on to this?”

The other side of the coin in adopting an Essentialist lifestyle, is buying new stuff. When you shop, you are free to buy anything you like. As long as you ask yourself the big question before doing so: “Do I really need/want this?”

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve held something in my hands with full intent to purchase. And then I ask myself that question: “Do I really need/want this?”. I think about the product, and its packaging. How much plastic ends up in the endless landfill. Does this purchase contribute to the demise of our planet? Is it worth the money? And, I’m happy to say, 9 times out of 10, the product stays in the store, and I feel better having kept my $$$$ in MY wallet!

Boycott Obscene Corporate Greed

Content currently in development. Donec sed semper erat. Ut nulla quam, dapibus sit amet convallis eget, gravida tempor nulla. Suspendisse iaculis felis velit, quis sagittis velit luctus consequat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus ut leo augue. Vestibulum lacinia eros ut mauris feugiat pretium. Quisque a sollicitudin ante. Ut sollicitudin libero bibendum risus luctus mollis.

Suspendisse placerat eros vitae enim tempor finibus. Donec dolor risus, consequat vitae metus sed, aliquam rutrum urna. Curabitur nec tellus orci. Ut eget nunc ut urna pretium commodo a ac enim. Pellentesque venenatis iaculis posuere. Proin pellentesque, neque eu iaculis sagittis, nulla nulla suscipit odio, quis pulvinar sapien orci et felis. 

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