This is where you can find details if you are planning to travel to DC for the massive protest being held on the National Mall

Express Bus - DC and Back : No Overnight Stay
The Express Bus is being organized by NH 5050-1. The cost is $160/person. For more info, contact Jamie Cunningham directly: jbcunningham56@gmail.com. Contact Jamie by Monday 3/24/25, by noon if you are interested in getting on the Express Bus. Click to Download Full Details Book online: Express Bus | NH Forward
Bus leave at 1:00 AM 4/5/2025 sharp, from 75 Storrs St., Concord, NH.
We get dropped off around 9:00 AM in DC at the Capital Business Center (CPC), 801 Allen Y. Lew Place, NW.
We then walk approximately 2-1/4 miles (30 mins +/-) to the Mall where the protest is being held. The protest begins at 1:00 pm, but I am sure there will be plenty of people conjugating before then. We must stay as a group for safety, and we know we are all together when it is time to leave. We will be mixed amongst a HUGE crowd.
At 5:00 pm sharp we walk back to CPC to get the bus at 6:00 pm sharp. It's approx. an 8-9-hour ride back to Concord.
Van or Carpool to DC Relaxed: April 4-6 (Van cost $75/person)
The general plan for this 2-day trip is to travel to DC on April 4. and to stay in hotels outside of BWI Airport, approx. 1 hour away from the National Mall. Since it will be challenging to get to the National Mall on rally day, we have arranged shuttle from our hotels which will drop off approx. 1/2 mile from the National Mall.
People taking the DC Van will stay overnight on April 5 after the rally. We'll depart for return to Salem NH Sunday morning.​​
April 4th - Travel to DC
Vans: depart Salem NH Park & Ride 10:00 AM. Cost est. $75/person. CLICK TO BOOK VAN
If you will Drive to DC: Drives will coordinate their own departure time with their passengers.
Overnight Lodging: We have arranged hotel rooms outside of BWI Airport. You must make your own
reservation See hotel details next section.
April 5th - Hands Off Rally
7:30 AM Shuttle from Hotels to drop off approx. 1/2 mile from Rally
5:00 PM Vans will begin shuttle return to BWI hotels
April 6th - Return Travel to NH
8:30 AM Vans depart for NH. Approx. arrival in NH 6:00 PM
Driver's will return on their own timeframe.
We have secured 100 rooms in 2 hotels for both those taking the Van and carpooling, and have negotiated very favorable rates. It is up to YOU to make your own hotel reservations. You can find hotel information by downloading our HANDS OFF RALLY INFO document.​
If you would like to find roommate(s) to share room and cost, submit your info to our ROOMMATE REGISTRY.​​
Vans to DC
We have arranged Vans for the 2-Day Trip. Cost is $75 + $3 credit card processing fee. No other form of payment can be accepted. Your Van fare includes your shuttle to and from the rally. Reserve your spot on the bus: CLICK TO BOOK VAN
If you will drive to DC and can take additional passengers, click here to add your name to our DRIVER REGISTRY. You should expect passengers to share all travel costs. You will coordinate your own travel plans with your passengers. ​​
For those that drive to the rally, you can book into our hotel blocks to get the negotiated rate. You can also use our shuttle to get to and from the Rally on April 5: Est. cost $25/person roundtrip. CLICK TO BOOK SHUTTLE.